About Alameda Adaptive Arts

Alameda Adaptive Arts gives young adults with special needs an opportunity to express themselves through song and dance, and in the process entertain and inspire the community with their positive message about finding one’s voice. So many life skills are learned and honed through performing: Getting dressed and stage ready, arriving at the venue on time, listening to and cooperating with fellow performers, carrying oneself appropriately in the public eye.
Spring 2023 Update

After 3 years of isolation , due to Covid, Alameda Adaptive Arts is back to performing in public! Our first show since the pandemic was in celebration of The Kiwanis Club of Alameda’s 100th Anniversary. We were honored to be a part of their gala at Alameda’s Eagle Club. Thank you for your support, Kiwanis!
Happy Holidays from Alameda Adaptive Arts and Best Wishes for a Happy and Healthy 2023!
Fall 2022 Update
In September of 2022, AAA performers finally met in person to rehearse! This, after over two years of singing and dancing solely on Zoom! We feel very fortunate to have been able to keep the group going strong, even though it was virtually, every Wednesday night during the pandemic.
As Covid has grown to be a less serious threat to the public, with safety measures like vaccines and masks in place, we felt now is the time to gather again for dance. Because singing is considered a more “risky” activity, we meet every other week on Zoom, under the guidance of Music Director Stephanie Pepitone to lift our voices in song.

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The Alameda Adaptive Arts Team